Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years~

A bit late, but wishing everyone on the internet a happy new year :)

My resolutions?
-Remember this: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
-Read less (yeah I read a lot, to the point where distracts from schoolwork)
-Graduate! (in the spring :D)
-Get in better shape
-Not wear jeans anymore. They've made me so lazy in how I look! I only have a twice a week jeans pass now. (I have to start slowly for the lazy mornings, lol) And I have all these loli skirts and I never wear them :C

These are pretty plain goals I guess, but they only apply to me, so that's that.

Oh, I installed dread falls! I'm sick of them already, lol.
I'll show you my gifts in the morning, they're cute.